When Are Juveniles Charged As Adults?

Criminal Defense Juveniles

The justice system can be complex and confusing, especially when it comes to dealing with juvenile offenders. One of the most debated topics is when juveniles should be charged as adults. While the general belief is that juveniles should be treated differently due to their age and development, there are certain circumstances where they may be tried as adults.

Age of the Offender:

One of the main factors determining whether a juvenile will be charged as an adult is their age at the time of the offense. In most states, individuals under 18 are considered juveniles and subject to juvenile court proceedings. However, some states have laws that allow younger offenders to be tried as adults, especially in cases involving serious crimes such as murder or armed robbery.

The Severity of the Crime:

The severity of the crime committed by the juvenile also plays a significant role in whether they will be charged as an adult. Crimes that involve violence, harm to others, or significant property damage are more likely to result in adult charges. Prosecutors may argue that trying juveniles as adults is necessary to hold them accountable for their actions and protect society from potential future harm.

Criminal History:

Their criminal history is another factor influencing whether a juvenile is charged as an adult. Repeat offenders or individuals who have committed multiple serious crimes may be more likely to face adult charges due to rehabilitation and public safety concerns. Judges and prosecutors consider past behavior when deciding to charge juveniles as adults.

Transfer Hearing:

Often, a transfer hearing will be held to determine whether a juvenile should be tried as an adult. During this hearing, evidence will be presented regarding the nature of the crime, the offender's history, and other relevant factors. Based on this information, The judge will then decide whether charging the juvenile as an adult is appropriate.

Impact on Juveniles:

Being charged as an adult can have serious consequences for juveniles, including facing harsher penalties and being housed in adult correctional facilities rather than juvenile detention centers. Juveniles who are tried as adults may also face challenges in terms of future educational and employment opportunities due to having a criminal record at a young age.

Criminal Defense Firm Serving Glendale, CA

At Weiss and Stepanian LLP, we understand the gravity of facing adult charges as a juvenile and the lasting impact it can have on one's life. Our experienced criminal defense attorneys in North Hollywood, CA, are dedicated to providing robust legal representation and advocating for the rights of young individuals. If you or a loved one is navigating the complexities of the juvenile justice system, we invite you to for guidance and support. Together, we can work towards a resolution that considers the unique circumstances of your case and seeks the best possible outcome. Don't let one mistake define the future—reach out to us at (818) 619-3337 today to get started.
